GED® Testing Pathway

Official GED® Test Price Increase​

GED Testing Service LLC informed the Arizona Department of Education-Adult Education Services, of a price increase for the Official GED® Test that will take effect on August 1st, 2023. The new fee per each of the four subtests will increase by six dollars ($6.00), for a total of forty-one dollars ($41.00) per subtest.​

This price increase is only applicable to individuals who register for in-person testing.​​

For more information, please see this notice: Official GED® Test Price Increase.​


GED® Testing Pathway

To request your HSE transcript, please visit the "Request your HSE Transcript" page.

Passing the GED® tests along with the AZ Civics Test is one way a High School Equivalency Diploma can be earned in Arizona. The other options are the College Credit Pathway and the HSE PLUS Career Readiness Pathway. Below are details about the GED® option.

For a summary of requirements, take a look at the GED® Testing Pathway Fact Sheet

You can find more information on the Official GED® Test website.


Register by creating your test-taker profile at the MyGED® website.

Once you’re logged into your profile, you will be able to find the most up to date GED® testing location near you by clicking on the Where to Test tab.

Additional requirements for 16- and 17-year-old individuals must be completed before being allowed to schedule the high school equivalency required tests:

  1. Must create a test-taker profile under their full legal name.
  2. Must present the two documents listed below and a current government-issued ID to any Authorized Testing Location.
    1. Official withdrawal from the last school attended.
    2. Notarized and dated permission letter from a parent or guardian.


Note: If you have recently passed all four subjects of the GED Test as well as the AZ Civics Test, your Arizona High School Equivalency diploma and transcript will be automatically printed and mailed to the address recorded in your MyGED® profile. Mailing time may take two to three weeks. 

Below are recommended study techniques to help you prepare for the high school equivalency test:


In-Person/Online Classes

State-Funded Adult Education programs offer classes designed to help you prepare for the high school equivalency test. State-Funded Adult Education Programs contain contact information for these programs throughout Arizona. You must contact the programs directly to obtain information on registration and classes.

Study On Your Own

For studying on your own, recommended study materials can be found at The GED Marketplace. Local public libraries may also have the latest and recommended GED® study books that are designed to prepare you for the 2014 version of the GED® test.

GED Ready® Official Practice Test

The 2014 GED® official practice test is called GED Ready® and is available at Create and log into your MyGED account and then click on the Study tab. The practice test is designed to assess how likely you are to pass the test including personal feedback and recommendations to improve your score.

Click on the following link to learn more about the Online Proctored GED® Test.


If you have a documented disability and require accommodations during the testing session, read the frequently asked questions at the GED® Testing Service Accommodations website.

To request for testing accommodations, please follow the steps outlined in the Accommodations Guide.

For questions regarding accommodations, please contact

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