Early Education Child Care Center
Our goal is to provide quality early education and child care services to GRIC enrolled members, employees, and its entities. The Center is an entity of Gila River Indian Community and operates as a sub department of the Tribal Education Department. The Center’s objective is to provide quality child care and early educational services to the Community. The Early Education/Child Care Center serves children ages 6 weeks- 5 years old, while parents/guardians are working, in training or pursuing their education.
We believe that children learn through exploring, interacting, and experiencing the world around them. We assist children in this process of learning, by providing indoor/outdoor environments that meet the needs of the whole child socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively. We believe that children’s activities should be age and developmentally appropriate and literacy-based environments are an important aspect of school readiness. We know that parents are their children’s first teachers and influence their development; therefore we will work towards building partnerships and encourage parents to participate in their child’s early education by involving them in center activities and reinforcement of skills at home. We believe that culture and language are an important part of a child’s life and seek to utilize parents, classroom staff, elders and community cultural resources, in providing a multi-cultural rich environment. We understand how important continued educational development is, and will provide the opportunity for professional development and in-service training for staff working at the center.

Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF)
A Federal program that assists low-income families in obtaining child care so they can work, attend training or education. The program also improves the quality of child care, and promotes coordination among early childhood development and afterschool programs.
First Things First Quality First Child Care Scholarships
Quality First scholarships help low-income families afford quality early care and education for their young children. Funded by First Things First, a limited number of these scholarships are available for children birth through age 5 that attend the GRIC Early Education/Child Care Center located in Sacaton. Programs distribute available scholarships to eligible families on a first-come, first-serve basis. Scholarships are tied to family income level and are available for parents who may be working, looking for work or improving their work skills through training or education.
If you are interested in receiving child care services and would like to begin the enrollment process, please visit our GRIC Early Education/Child Care Center to get the necessary enrollment information.

Child care providers
Choose from a variety of child care categories including center-based care, group home, family child care and in-home care. Providers are available on and off reservation to meet your child care needs. By providing a range of services the parents have the ability to choose a childcare provider that best fit their needs.

Are you ready to enroll?
If you are interested in receiving child care services and would like to begin the enrollment process, please visit our GRIC Early Education/Child Care Center at 280 S. Ocotillo Road, Sacaton, Arizona, 85283 to get the necessary enrollment information or complete the Initial Contact Form

Need Child Care?
The Early Education Child Care Program, through the Child Care and Development Fund, offers assistance with child care expenses for all Gila River Indian Community (GRIC) enrolled children.
We assist with fees for:
- Off-Reservation state licensed child care (example, Kindercare, Tutor Time, Sunrise Preschools, etc). Applicant must provide current operating license and W-9 from their chosen center.
- Home Care Providers: Providers residing within the GRIC boundaries. Home care must have their CPR/First Aid, Food Handlers, GRIC Background card, AZ DPS Fingerprint Card (Early Education Child Care can process and pay for the application fee). Providers must also obtain their business license and submit a W-9.
- Relative Care Providers: Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle, Sibling over age 21 residing withing GRIC boundaries, but not residing in the same home or under legal care of the relative. Relative Care providers are exempt from the credentials listed above for Home Care Providers. Relative Care providers must obtain their business license and submit a W-9.
Basic Elgibility Criteria is as follows:
- Child must be enrolled in the Gila River Indian Community or pending enrollment (CDIB or Proof of application pending letter from GRIC Enrollment Department).
- Reside within the service area (within GRIC boundaries or surrounding cities and towns)
Initial Documents required are:
- Paycheck Stubs for one month (example bi-weekly – 2 stubs, weekly – 4 stubs) to determine family co-pay. All Families that qualify may have a co-pays that range from$0-$6 per full day based on income. In addition, if the center fee is greater than the max subsidy coverage amount, parents will be responsible for the remaining fees to their center. CCDF doesn't pay anything at 100% so will will always be a portion the parents are expected to pay.
- Proof of Residency: utility bill with your name on it, if utility bill is not in your name, letter from individual with bill in their name verifying you and your family reside there along with the utility bill or document)
- Completed application with supporting documents (SSC, Immunization records, Birth Certificate, Photo ID, Tribal ID, etc)
Additional information may be required depending on each individual need.
If you are interested or should you have any questions please contact Starlit Poola, Compliance Monitor via email at starlit.poola.EECC@gric.nsn.us or by phone at 520-562-3640 or 520-610-5544.