To support student success, the ACE program is focused on providing academic support and opportunities for students to re-engage with school. The goal is to support the retention of students in school and support students that need additional assistance with credit recovery to achieve high school graduation. The ACE program will offer tutoring, student service opportunities, credit recovery, college preparatory workshops and more.
Tutoring Club
Attention Gila River Indian Community parents, guardians and students, the Gila River Indian Community, Tribal Education Department is offering free professional tutoring services for grades 1-12 via The Tutoring Club. Please join us for virtual informational sessions where you can ask questions and learn how to register. Information Sessions are scheduled for January 25 and January 27 at 630pm. We can’t wait to see you there!
Meeting Link here:
https://bit.ly/33M8TYy (WebEx Meetings).
Please stay tuned for more services provided by the Tribal Education Department, ACE Program.
Email Ace.Grant.Staff@gric.nsn.us if you have any questions.